Perception of not producing enough milk

Signs indicating that the baby is having sufficient milk

Number of wet nappies

In the first week, with a normal milk supply,your baby should have at least:

The baby’s weight

  • Babies may lose up to 10 per cent of their birth weight in the first few days after birth due to passing meconium (first stool) and losing extra fluid that they had at birth.
  • Between four to six days of age, babies start regaining weight, and by two weeks, they will have returned  to their birth weight.
  • Average weekly weight gain is about 150 to 200 grams to three months of age.
  • Breastfed babies tend to grow more in their length than their weight around three-four months after birth. 
  • Babies usually double their birth weight by six months of age and triple their birth weight by 12 months.

The colour of the stool

The newborn babies have a dark sticky green stool in the first two days, but the color  changes to light greenish brownish in a few days and then turns to a yellowish color

Babies ' appearance and behaviour

Poor muscle tone and dry mouth can indicate that your baby may need more milk. In this case, you should go to the nearest hospital to check your baby with your doctor .

To increase your milk supply:

Giving water can be dangerous to your baby because babies do not tolerate too much water. Water fills the baby’s stomach and decreases the appetite to breastfeed. The less your baby breastfeeds, the less milk you will produce. Giving water to a baby is fine when the baby eats solid food at six months