Important points about Breastfeeding

Initiation of breastfeeding/Skin-to-skin contact

Immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour after….


Colostrum is a type of early breast milk, produced bythe breasts from around 20 weeks of pregnancy….


It is very important to keep your baby in the same room where you can easily see and reach your baby….

Different breastfeeding positions

Different breastfeeding


Frequency & Length of breastfeeding:

Frequency & Length of breastfeeding…..

Signs of hunger that a baby show

Signs of hunger thata baby show…..

Signs of having enough milk that a baby show

Signs of having enough milk that a baby show

Baby stomach size

Baby stomach size….


The babies can attach to the breast by themselves inthe best way called “Baby-led attachment” …..