Baby stomach size

First day: sleepy

  • Babies are ready for breastfeeding one to two hours after birth, this starts well with skin-to-skin contact.
  • On the first day, many full-term babies feed well for one hour after birth and then they go to sleep for hours and they may not be hungry.
  • Having a minimum of one wet nappy is normal for the first
    day after birth which can be one of the indicators for sufficient milk supply.
  • Your baby needs the colostrum (first milk) to increase his/her immunity and to fight against germs, and it’s sufficient for the first few days as his/her stomach is very small (cherry size)

Second day: unsettled

  • On day two, babies are usually unsettled due to separation from their mother.
  • They want to be close to their mother because the sound of their mother’s heartbeat and warm contact promotes a safe
    feeling for them.
  • It is very normal for your baby to want a frequent feed
    on the second day. This can stimulate your milk supply and
    reduces the risk of breast engorgement when the mature
    milk comes in.
  • Your baby needs the colostrum (first milk) to increase his/her immunity and to fight against germs, and it’s sufficient for the first few days as his/her stomach is very small (cherry size)